Brisbane - QLD

  Capital City


DEG: -27.47101 153.02429
DMS: 27º 28' 15.64" S 153º 01' 27.45" E
UTM: 56 J 6961394mN 502400mE
Altitude: 27.98m


Place Type

Population - Capital City


729.56kms North of Sydney - Driving 920 km (10 hours 7 mins)

Address & Contact

43 Queen St
Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland. It is Australia's third largest city with a population of over 1,600, 000 (1.6 million). It is also the fastest-growing capital. It has a sub-tropical climate and an average annual rainfall of 1090 mm. Brisbane boasts an average of over seven hours of sunshine each day and temperatures of 30+ degrees in summer.
In September 1822 the Governor of the colony of New South Wales, the Scottish astronomer and administrator Sir Thomas Brisbane, were sent out to explore Moreton Bay, Port Curtis and Port Bowen with the hope of finding a place for a new penal colony. It was Redcliffe on Moreton Bay that was the first European settlement in Queensland, but not for long as it was moved to North Quay on the Brisbane River.
Over the years Brisbane has developed a cosmopolitan atmosphere, with its bustling cafes, an extensive cultural calendar and idylic riverside walks. Brisbane is home to a fantastic array of museums, theatres, galleries and concert halls. It has so much to offer that it attracts over 5 million visitors a year. The surrounding area of Brisbane offers tourist hotspots such as the Gold and Sunshine coasts.
The telephone code for Brisbane and the state of Queensland is 07. Brisbane observes AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) which is GMT + 10 hours.
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Closest Weather Station

Brisbane at 16/06:00pm EST
Distance from Brisbane 1.81km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Brisbane 1.81km SE
Mean Max. °C30.329.928.927.124.421.921.823.125.626.927.829.2
Mean Min. °C21.321.319.817.313.411.610.010.513.716.218.620.3
Mean Rain mm141.8142.0101.469.560.660.524.441.430.081.4104.0148.2

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