Adelaide - SA

  Capital City


DEG: -34.928661 138.598633
DMS: 34º 55' 43.18" S 138º 35' 55.08" E
UTM: 54 H 6132235mN 280659mE
Altitude: 44.01m


Place Type

Population - Capital City


654.56kms NorthWest of Melbourne - Driving 727 km (7 hours 56 mins)

Address & Contact

14-16 Grote St
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Adelaide is the capital city of the state of South Australia and has a population of 1,045,854 (1.04 million). It is Australia's 4th largest city. The Torrens River runs through Adelaide, the Mount Lofty Ranges and the Gulf St Vincent surround it.
Colonel William Light sighted Adelaide in 1836. The settlement was named after Queen Adelaide, King William IV's wife. Adelaide was not settled as a convict state and did not have any financial backing from the British government. The colony offered civil and religious freedom to all who settled there. Adelaide is now known as 'the city of churches' and offers a serene and calming atmosphere to it's visitors.
The climate in Adelaide is compared to that of the Mediterranean. Having an average rainfall of 560mm and temperatures reaching 29 degrees in summer and 15 degrees in winter.
The telephone code for Adelaide and the state of South Australia is 08. Adelaide observes GMT + 9.5 and during the summer GMT +10.5.
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Closest Weather Station

Adelaide Airport at 23/08:30am CDT
Distance from Adelaide 7.6km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Adelaide (Kent Town)
Distance from Adelaide 2.25km E
Mean Max. °C29.329.426.422.718.916.115.316.619.021.825.227.0
Mean Min. °C17.117.215.312.410.
Mean Rain mm19.013.527.239.659.979.374.768.859.243.130.929.0

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