Local knowledge

Submitted: Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 08:09
ThreadID: 122376 Views:4587 Replies:9 FollowUps:3
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Local knowledge to me is the key to finding those special camp sights that we all bought BT’s for. Would it be possible to set up another section in the owners forum where volunteer members could name their home area, example ours would be the Goulburn Valley Vic. So the site would not get too involved, we could then list places we have special knowledge of , example we spent 30 years of our working lives in the Riverland SA, followed by camp sites we have recently visited that are accessible towing a BT. Recently we went to the Howqua Hills Historic Area near Mt Buller, the 15klms in is gravel, would be slippery when raining ,steep and narrow in spots and took us more than 30 minutes to negotiate. Listed as unsuitable for caravans in the “Camping in Australia” book, but two wheel drive cars take small vans in, and horse floats are regulars, as two of the seven free camping areas along the banks of the Howqua River are equipped with horse yards, so that people can get the” Man from Snowy River” feeling. (A long way to bring a horse from Qld Steve.) For the rest of us the area is a great base from which to travel the 4x4 tracks, experience that part of the Alpine National Park and some of the historic huts of the mountain cattle men. This to me is far too much detail to put on every participating members spot on the forum. Our recently visited camp sites should just be a list. Howqua Hills Historic Area near Mt Buller, Cathedral Range State Park near Alexandra, Murrindindi Scenic Reserve, near Yea, Mt Alexander near Bendigo. We have very little experience on the web, but if the owners forum is secure enough to just use mobile phone numbers it would be the easiest way to communicate between “The Local” for up to date camping information, and the visiting members.
In these days of litigation, National Park authorities and the compilers of camping guides, we believe, are becoming more conservative, and it’s up to us, the members, to help our selves.

We assume that changing the web site would involve some cost and from the notes from the President’s report 22/09/05, the BOG is in need of extra funds, the rasing of which, so far as we under stand, has largely been left to Bob.
About 16 year ago when we lived on the banks of the Murray, I was president of The River Murray Boat Owners Association. A group of independent house & river boat owners with a desire retain the right and privilege of tying up for the night without been hassled by rules regulations and fees thought up by bureaucrats trying to justify their existence and expand their little empires, which is similar in many ways to the current situation with our vans. Bob’s request was for all of us to be involved in seeking extra sponsorship and fund raising.
From past experience, I believe, the only way to get all the members to contribute to fund rasing is to rase the membership fees. By having a “Local Knowledge” site in the Owners Forum, all members, all over “Aus.“ would have the opportunity of contributing and benefiting from it. If that meant doubling the members fee to make the BOG financially secure, it would only take a couple free camp sites a year with “Local Knowledge” for an individual member to be financially in front and probably find some nice camps in the process.

David & Sue

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Reply By: Motherhen & Rooster - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 09:27

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 09:27
Great idea Cowcockies to get some form of knowledge sharing happening and easy to find when we plan our trips (i have cut and pasted Grumblebum's recent posting for easy reference if we get up his way). Also for those of us who have farms, i for one welcome BOGgers to come and camp in the top paddock or wherever when we are home. We would welcome the opportunity to meet you. Can't finance the big lap, so will be home most of the time.

We usually have no trouble finding reasonable spots, without knowing how 'legal' it is to camp in some places, so don't share everything on the open Internet. Then again, i maintain stopping to rest overnight in a self contained caravan is not camping - camping is a row of tents. I have shared a number of spots we have found or know of with others enquiring on the caravaner's forum. I answered an enquiry this week from someone coming through the South Coast area; they had already camped at a spot we found on the Nullabor. Then again, in my local area, i am not thinking camping, so probably have more knowledge of camp sites in SA than in my own home district!

As a hopeful future traveller, i am keen to know not just where other BOGgers camped, but where they actually went with their rigs, as 'not suitable for caravans' can mean anything from a range of things like; an on-road caravan may disintegrate, you may get bogged pulling any sort of trailer, or the road will be too narrow or with overhanging branches for your caravan to fit. And where they parked them safely to go to the 'mustn't miss' places where you can't get with a caravan.

Our mobile phone numbers can be listed on the membership details in the members area; perhaps just an enhancement of the spreadsheet to give an extra column with a yes or no if the member would welcome a phone call or email about possible good spots (to see as well as camp) in their area. That wouldn't cost much as I'm sure that it is updated voluntarily by our good committee members.

All the best for Christmas and the holiday season to you and other readers, Motherhen


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 567617

Reply By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 02:50

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 02:50
Hi David and Sue,

I agree - its an excellent idea. I have shared some stuff re the Kununurra region, but have only put it on the Owners Forum as I am not running an free info service for the public at large.

I have also stayed at some excellent spots as we wandered down the west coast.

Re funding, raising the annual subs may be one way - but probably not universally popular. Another method maybe to have this as a "private area' - like the Owners Forum is for no owners and those interested pay an additional levy or fee for access.

Obviously it takes a bit of time to do this on the forum - I have alsways said people are free to contact me when I am (a) in range and (b) not busy

Have a good one.

AnswerID: 567618

Reply By: Fosssil - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 05:33

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 05:33
Hi Folks,


An almost certain way to raise funds would be to do open the owners forum to those who are interested enough to pay the entry fee..still maintaining the free forum as an introduction area.

In my past experience, entry fees keep out riff-raff...Trouble makers just will not pay fees to cause trouble, and as a safety net you could add a three strikes and your out rule that paying non owners would be required to sign, and that's it.

Before taking me to task, remember that it was not so long ago that everyone had access to the full board...

If you read the old forum, you will find the total of some folks Bushtracker story...ie from when they 1st thought about owning a caravan and then visiting here and asking questions on the forum about Bushtracker, till the day they excitedly picked up their van, and onward to talking about their adventures...this was all on the forum...and it was a great read...

Unfortunately, that spontaneity has vanished from the non owners forum...pity.

You will also notice that there has been no trouble on the non owners forum for about six months now..

Unfortunately, it will still be some time unstill I can actually place an order, but it will happen, and in the meantime I check here each day to see what is new and take note of anything that might help further down the track.

However, one thing I don't know is how much added info is on the owners forum...perhaps I am pining needlessly...lol

Regards, fosss
AnswerID: 567619

Reply By: Cruisin' Twosome - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 07:34

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 07:34

Stella & Jack Voolstra

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AnswerID: 567620

Reply By: Tellem Bugrem - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 17:23

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 17:23
G'day David and Sue,

We too set out on missions to find remote, free campsites and are not afraid to approach cockies, graziers or pastoralists for permission to camp on their land, or to pass over their land en route to a permanent water course where anybody can camp within 1 chain of the high water. I recall Angie had initiated a great "Bushcamps" list on the old site. It should be in our library but I can't seem to relocate it. I do, however, have a copy of it and I have been adding some of the "Gem"sites we have found in our travels. If you send me your email address, I could forward a copy.

Whether such sites can be used as fund-raisers for the BOG is a question that I will put to the Committee. There could be some legal technicalities to overcome ???

Perhaps this thread should be transferred to the Owners Forum for further discussion??

Cheers.............Rob and Liz
AnswerID: 567621

Follow Up By: Motherhen & Rooster - Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 02:49

Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 02:49
Hi Rob and Liz - I do remember Angie's Bushcamps list, and may have even saved a copy to CD before my computer disasters. Is there any way it could be listed in the members document library in a way that everyone could add to it direct, to take the workload of any one or two members?

For the forum in general: I am in favour of allowing anyone who pays up becoming members, whether they have a BT or not. This may help with the coffers a little, but not hugely. Any other method of fund raising would no doubt fall back onto the willing few.

Christmas Greeting to all, Motherhen

Red desert dreaming

Follow our travelogues, bush camping and other travel hints at www.australiasomuchtosee.com

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FollowupID: 845245

Reply By: Fosssil - Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 05:53

Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 05:53
Hi folks
I have just read my post above, and feared that it may be construed as me being ungrateful..

I can assure anyone wondering that I am extremely grateful that non members do have the access that they have, and I am very pleased that the Bushtracker forum exists.

I have actually read every post in the non members forum, and have gained a fantastic amount of insight into the Bushtracker...as well as knowledge about offroad caravanning as well.

If the management does open the membership to those who are willing to pay, I would like to join..


AnswerID: 567622

Follow Up By: Fosssil - Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 08:09

Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 08:09
I'd love to have an edit function in this forum...I always seem to make some sort of error...
where I have non members...read non owners.
FollowupID: 845246

Reply By: Yogi and Muffin - Wednesday, Dec 28, 2005 at 23:36

Wednesday, Dec 28, 2005 at 23:36
Hi David and Sue,
That is a great idea. There are many BT owners and potential BT owners who would love that information. I believe that the collective experience and wisdom of our owners would be a great and sellable resource. Many times I have looked at various publications and wondered what "not suitable for caravans" really means. As for funding, as some will be interested and others not, the only fair way would be a user pays principle. Exploroz.com.au sells GPS tracks for 4WD enthusiasts and perhaps we could sell this information for a geographical area to those interested. There is no doubt that requesting a fee of some description will keep most troublemakers away.
I would recommend that the committee look at the issue seriously. If the easiest way is to increase the membership fee then I would also support this.

Tony and Jan
Yogi & Muffin

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AnswerID: 567623

Reply By: Turist - Thursday, Dec 29, 2005 at 01:10

Thursday, Dec 29, 2005 at 01:10
I have posted an Excel file, "Bushcamps" that is a copy of the original file put together by Angie.
The file has had additions/updates by Rob Caldwell.

Access is via your "My Home" page.

If you have additions or corrections that you wish incorporated please send them to me, or any other committee member for insertion.

Happy New Year To All.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 567624

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Thursday, Dec 29, 2005 at 05:52

Thursday, Dec 29, 2005 at 05:52
Thanks Bob, I was hunting around in my system looking for the file so I could offer it to people. A couple of things to note for anyone using this file:

1) It was developed dragging information in from a number of sources and thanks to anyone who was around offering info bits when I was compiling it. I haven't done anything with the list since 2001 so thanks to Rob for adding in his bits. All other errors and omissions will not be the responsibility etc etc etc

2) I am not and probably never will be in a position to verify all the information in this list and as we know things change and what was available one day might not be the next due to a variety of reasons. If you find a change then please let the committee know and that way we can all help with keeping the list updated.

3) If you are going to visit one of the places on the list and it costs money then please take the time to contact the person on the list and check the amount.

Apart from that enjoy seeing the country. Don't forget that as it is an Excel document you do have the ability to sort based on a particular column e.g. States
If you need help with that then please contact the committee.

AnswerID: 567625

Follow Up By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Thursday, Dec 29, 2005 at 05:53

Thursday, Dec 29, 2005 at 05:53
Sorry, almost forgot. It is a big document so probably best to save it to your computer rather than printing it out.

FollowupID: 845247

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