Darwin - NT

  Capital City


DEG: -12.45722 130.83664
DMS: 12º 27' 25.99" S 130º 50' 11.9" E
UTM: 52 L 8622197mN 699623mE
Altitude: 28.09m


Place Type

Population - Capital City


1.77kms East of Larrakeyah
6.4kms SouthWest of Winnellie
68.93kms North of Batchelor
80.19kms South of Nguiu

Address & Contact

17 Daly St
Darwin NT 0800
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory with a population of 71,350. Situated between Port Darwin and Beagle Gulf, located on Fannie Bay, Darwin is a young lively city with a cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Lieutenant John Lort Stokes and Captain J.C. Wickham discovered Port Darwin whilst travelling on HMS Beagle in 1839. Captain J.C. Wickham named the area after Charles Darwin who had once sailed HMS Beagle. Temporarily, in 1869 it was renamed to Palmerston but soon returned to its original name in 1911. Trying to secure a settlement in Darwin was an endless struggle. Several settlements prior to Darwin had failed, so the South Australian Government were adamant that the settlement at Port Darwin would be successful. The construction of the overland telegraph gave Darwin an immediate purpose and ultimately a successful settlement.

The Indigenous Australians of Darwin split the year up into 6 seasons. But generally people in Darwin tend to divide the year up into the wet and dry seasons. The wet season starts in October and continues through until January/February. During this time the humidity and heat increases dramatically and comes to a crashing halt with severe storms. Darwin is renowned for its cyclone season and holds Australia's worst natural disaster to date. Cyclone Tracy came through Darwin in 1974 and reaped havoc and destruction across the city. It was estimated that winds reach speeds of 250 km/h. The dry season however is in complete contrast, constant sunshine with temperatures remaining warm and pleasant.
The telephone code for Darwin and the Northern Territory is 08. Darwin observes GMT + 9.5 hours.
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Closest Weather Station

Darwin Airport at 22/02:00pm CST
Distance from Darwin 7.1km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Darwin Airport
Distance from Darwin 7.1km NE
Mean Max. °C31.831.431.932.732.030.630.531.432.633.233.332.6
Mean Min. °C24.824.724.524.022.119.919.320.423.024.925.325.3
Mean Rain mm423.8374.6322.1101.

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