Window On The Wetlands - NT

  Tourist Attraction


DEG: -12.65276 131.317657
DMS: 12º 39' 9.93" S 131º 19' 3.57" E
UTM: 52 L 8600148mN 751737mE
Altitude: 18.21m


Place Type

Recreation - Tourist Attraction


56.57kms SouthEast of Darwin - Driving 63.8 km (48 mins)

Address & Contact

Middle Point NT 0822
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Located 31km east of Stuart Highway junction or 52km west of Bark Hut Inn. Window on the Wetlands Visitor Centre is perched on Beatrice Hill, one of the highest points on the Adelaide River floodplain. The Adelaide River is one of eight rivers in the Top End which have large floodplains in their catchments. Together, their floodplains create a great expanse of coastal wetlands, one of the rarest and most threatened land systems in the world.They are collectively known as the northern coastal wetlands. The Arnhem Highway takes you across five of the eight rivers as you travel between Darwin and Jabiru.The catchments of these rivers are not seperate from one another, especially those east of Darwin. Their lower reaches almost join up in the wet season. There are interactive displays about the ecological processes that occur in the wetlands, the seasonal changes and the abundant wildlife.
Touchscreen computers help you explore the European and Aboriginal history of the region as well as find out what you can see and do in the area. There is a steep walk from the car park to the entrance of the Visitor Centre. However, a drop-off area is provided for less able passengers.
Entry is free, and the Visitor Centre is open every day from 8.00am to 7.00pm.
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Closest Weather Station

Middle Point at 22/02:30pm CST
Distance from Window On The Wetlands 5.69km N
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Middle Point Aws
Distance from Window On The Wetlands 5.69km N
Mean Max. °C33.433.133.334.133.231.932.633.936.337.236.235.0
Mean Min. °C24.324.023.922.319.014.814.414.919.122.123.524.1
Mean Rain mm281.9319.3271.3100.420.

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