Manton Dam Recreation Area - NT

  National Parks,Reserves


DEG: -12.83889 131.128098
DMS: 12º 50' 20" S 131º 07' 41.15" E
UTM: 52 L 8579727mN 730970mE
Altitude: 56.49m


Place Type

Reserves - National Parks,Reserves


52.78kms SouthEast of Darwin - Driving 66.2 km (47 mins)

Address & Contact

Darwin River Dam NT 0822
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


The Manton Dam Recreation Area is a short distance west of the Stuart Highway, about 70km south of Darwin and 47km north of Adelaide River township. All roads are sealed and accessible all year round. The Dam is open from 9am to 5pm on weekdays and from 8am to 7pm on weekends and public holidays. The area is closed each night. Access to the Dam wall and pumping sheds is about 5km north of the Recreation Area turn off.

Manton Dam is an easy day trip from Darwin with activities such as: picnics, walking, fishing, boating, canoeing and windsurfing. The facilities include sealed parking areas, toilets, shaded picnic areas with barbecues, a boat ramp and walking tracks. The walking tracks are not “formed” as such, so walkers will have to find their own way along the shoreline and through timbered areas. Camping is not permitted.

Manton Dam, built in 1942, was Darwin's first reliable water supply. Today, although its water is still used in emergencies, the Dam is a popular recreation area. Manton Dam was opened for recreation in 1989 after Darwin River Dam (built in 1972) became the main water supply for Darwin.

There is a large variety of bird life to be seen at Manton Dam. The water plants at the edge of the dam provide both food and cover for ducks and wader species. Many woodland bird species can also be seen as the Eucalypt woodland is the dominant habitat and is part of the shoreline in many places. Reptiles and mammals also inhabit this area.

For more information and a downloadable “fact sheet” from NT Parks & Wildlife website, click on this link: Manton Dam Recreation Area
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Closest Weather Station

Batchelor at 22/02:00pm CST
Distance from Manton Dam Recreation Area 26.42km SW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Batchelor Aero
Distance from Manton Dam Recreation Area 26.42km SW
Mean Max. °C32.732.232.833.732.731.231.833.336.036.835.333.8
Mean Min. °C24.023.823.421.618.816.516.317.020.623.023.924.1
Mean Rain mm306.7360.7258.9101.824.

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