Canberra - ACT

  Capital City


DEG: -35.27603 149.13435
DMS: 35º 16' 33.71" S 149º 08' 3.67" E
UTM: 55 H 6094257mN 694122mE
Altitude: 569.06m


Place Type

Population - Capital City


246.45kms SouthWest of Sydney - Driving 286 km (3 hours 1 min)
467.66kms NorthEast of Melbourne - Driving 660 km (6 hours 38 mins)
858.75kms North of Hobart - Driving 1395 km (1 day 6 hours)
940.95kms South of Brisbane - Driving 1198 km (12 hours 51 mins)

Address & Contact

1 Donaldson St
Braddon ACT 2612
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Canberra is the national capital city of Australia and is situated in the Australian Capital Territory. It has a population of approximately 309,800. Canberra is situated amongst beautiful parks, lakes and hills, manicured to perfection. It renowned for its wide roads, pristine parks and stunning buildings. It was a city created and designed for a purpose. In 1908, after Australia had become one nation the site of Canberra was chosen as the home of it's capital city. Situated in almost equal distance from the two rivalry states of NSW and Victoria. It was named after an Aboriginal word meaning, "meeting place". American architect Walter Burley Griffin designed the layout of the capital city. His design was predominately based on axes and circles, and was similar to the layout of Washington DC. Parliament was first summoned in 1927, but due to slow development, the national capital city was not really completed until after WWII.
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Closest Weather Station

Canberra at 23/07:00am EDT
Distance from Canberra 7km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Tuggeranong (Isabella Plains) Aws
Distance from Canberra 16.24km S
Mean Max. °C29.628.
Mean Min. °C14.314.311.
Mean Rain mm50.773.751.727.822.148.641.349.060.557.074.369.2

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