Maingon Blowhole - TAS

  Tourist Attraction


DEG: -43.195176 147.853273
DMS: 43º 11' 42.63" S 147º 51' 11.78" E
UTM: 55 G 5217158mN 569329mE
Altitude: 30.93m


Address & Contact

Mount Brown Track
Port Arthur TAS 7182
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A


Accessible via the Mt Brown walking track from the Remarkable Cave main carpark. The coastal hike is easy with great views. Approx 3.5km return. The trail continues on further around to Crescent Bay.

The first 1km of the hike crosses a series of undulating sand dunes covered in coastal heath vegetation. This section is easy going and it is highly likely you may cross paths with echidnas during warmer months.

The walk to the blowhole should take approx. 20 minutes. The blowhole is in fact a gaping cavity. Care must be taken when viewing the blowhole as the edges appear quite fragile. The blowhole was formed when a sea cave collapsed leaving behind a deep, narrow sink hole. Puffs of sea mist can often be seen rising as the ocean crashes below. A short side trail can be taken here to explore the rocky coast and gulch below.

A valid parks pass is required for entry to Tasmania's national parks.

Grade 2: Suitable for most ages. The track has a hardened or compacted surface that may have a gentle hill section or sections and occasional steps. This is a Fuel Stove Only Area. Fires are prohibited.
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Closest Weather Station

Tasman Island at 27/01:14am EDT
Distance from Maingon Blowhole 13.06km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Tasman Island
Distance from Maingon Blowhole 13.06km E
Mean Max. °C17.917.416.814.913.211.310.811.512.513.415.416.5
Mean Min. °C11.411.511.
Mean Rain mm75.351.167.568.673.471.871.079.388.161.954.961.3

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