Mount Brown Track - TAS

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  Walk Track


DEG: -43.187147 147.846281
DMS: 43º 11' 13.72" S 147º 50' 46.62" E
UTM: 55 G 5218055mN 568769mE
Altitude: 34.23m


Address & Contact

Safety Cove Rd
Port Arthur TAS 7182
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


The trailhead is located 50m before the Remarkable Caves carpark and heads east firstly towards Mount Brown. The first 1km of the hike crosses a series of undulating sand dunes covered in coastal heath vegetation. This section is easy going and it is highly likely you may cross paths with echidnas during warmer months. This section of the walk offers westerly views back towards the Peninsula cliff line, the most notable inclusion being Cape Raoul. 20 minutes into the walk a gaping cavity that is the Maingon Blowhole is reached. Care must be taken when viewing the blowhole as the edges appear quite fragile. A short side trail can be taken here to explore the rocky coast and gulch below.The track then skirts the coastline for another 1km before heading inland onto the lower knolls of Mount Brown. The track to the summit of Mt Brown isn’t signposted but is easily noticed. A series of cairns will direct your ascent of the mountain. The walk is moderately steep and many sections consist of small loose shards of rock so care should be taken. From the summit trig point Cape Pillar and Tasman Island, Arthurs Peak and Port Arthur’s Carnavon Bay are all revealed as well as views further south to Cape Raoul and Bruny Island. A further track to Mount Brown’s edge can be found to the west taking in views of Dauntless Point and Black Rock. Retrace your steps to return to the main track.Once back on the main track the southern end of Crescent Beach is quickly reached. From here it is highly recommended that you experience the true magnitude of the sand dunes by scrabbling your way to the top. The beach is incredibly beautiful and often sparsely populated, making it a wonderful spot to take an extended rest stop. The route is then retraced to return to the car park.There are many steep cliffs along the coastline of Mount Brown. Additionally, care must be taken when viewing Maingon Blowhole. Sections of the Mount Brown ascent can also be steep and slippery.
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Closest Weather Station

Tasman Island at 27/03:00am EDT
Distance from Mount Brown Track 13.93km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Tasman Island
Distance from Mount Brown Track 13.93km SE
Mean Max. °C17.917.416.814.913.211.310.811.512.513.415.416.5
Mean Min. °C11.411.511.
Mean Rain mm75.351.167.568.673.471.871.079.388.161.954.961.3

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