Remarkable Cave - TAS



DEG: -43.187244 147.844193
DMS: 43º 11' 14.08" S 147º 50' 39.09" E
UTM: 55 G 5218046mN 568600mE
Altitude: 36.72m


Address & Contact

Remarkable Cave Track
Port Arthur TAS 7182
Phone: N/A


Remarkable Cave is located on the southern coastline of Tasman peninsula 12km south of Port Arthur.
From the car park it's a short, accessible walk to the large viewing platform offering exceptional views of Penguin Rocks and the bay. Wild waves pound away at the coastal rock below to create a dramatic coastline.

From the central carpark, take the steps down to Remarkable Cave. You'll be surrounded by steep, ancient sandstone cliffs? and view the cave from the custom-designed platform at the base. The tunnel-shaped cave was formed through years of torment from crashing waves, eventually causing a wall of the sandstone cave to collapse and create the tunnel that stands today. Some of the collapsed rock from the cave can still be seen at the base of the cliffs.

At certain times of year, the waves rush through the tunnel creating a thrilling spectacle for those lucky enough to witness it. Be prepared to get a little wet!

From the carpark a number of walking options are available. To the east are walking tracks to Maingon Blowhole (1 hr 30mins return), Mount Brown (4 hr return) and Crescent Bay (4 hr return).

You will need a Tasman Parks Pass to access the area.
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Closest Weather Station

Tasman Island at 27/12:40am EDT
Distance from Remarkable Cave 14.08km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Tasman Island
Distance from Remarkable Cave 14.08km SE
Mean Max. °C17.917.416.814.913.211.310.811.512.513.415.416.5
Mean Min. °C11.411.511.
Mean Rain mm75.351.167.568.673.471.871.079.388.161.954.961.3

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