Bally Mountain - QLD

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DEG: -28.17424 153.33771
DMS: 28º 10' 27.26" S 153º 20' 15.75" E
UTM: 56 J 6883450mN 533151mE
Altitude: 446.63m


Place Type

Geography - Mountain,Peak,Hill,Rocks


83.82kms South of Brisbane
662.55kms North of Sydney

Address & Contact

Ingleside QLD
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Bally Mountain Conservation Area in Bonogin is 483 hectares in size. It was purchased by the City, with some funding to acquire the Rosegum and Araluen Road sections by the Australian Government, for a contribution to the National Reserve system. They form part of the vegetated ridgeline that separates Tallebudgera and Austinville valleys and are part of an important wildlife corridor that runs from Burleigh National Park through to Springbrook Mountain.These reserves have interesting geological formations and ecosystems that are characteristic of the Gold Coast's southern hinterland, with some higher altitude type flora present on top of Bally Mountain and Mount Gannon. They conserve a diverse assemblage of native flora and provide a range of habitat types to support local, nomadic and migratory fauna species. A large number of rare and threatened plants and animals has been recorded within these reserves.Bally Mountain summit trail is a tough 6-kilometre return trek, suitable only for experienced walkers with a high level of fitness. This challenging return trail takes approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete.At the summit you will be rewarded with panoramic views to the ocean, Springbrook and Wollumbin (Mount Warning).
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Closest Weather Station

Coolangatta at 22/03:00pm EST
Distance from Bally Mountain 16.43km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Hinze Dam
Distance from Bally Mountain 14.86km N
Mean Max. °C29.128.827.725.723.221.020.822.225.026.427.328.8
Mean Min. °C20.220.519.216.813.811.610.210.613.315.517.419.2
Mean Rain mm179.4205.0147.3123.9129.375.353.744.543.486.3119.1161.6

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